Fluorescently Activated Cell Sorting, FACS

BD FACS Sorters

KU Flow Core FACS instruments are capable of sorting ultra-specific populations by using configurations of up to 50 parameters to define and sort up to six populations at a time.

•    BSL-2 Pathogen Sorting

•    Analyze 25k cells/ second and sort up to 10k cells/second

•    Can sort single cells into/onto multiwell plates with 6, 24, 48, 96, and 384 wells, and standard or frosted-end slides, or custom devices.

•    Bulk sorting into 15mL tubes, 12x75mm flow tubes, 1.5mL microtubes, or 6, 12, or 24 multiwell plates.

•    Identify particles down to 200 nm.

•    Cuvette-based detection provides excellent sensitivity

•    Index sorting

•    Compensated color sorting

•    Fluorescence detection PMTs

•    70, 85, 100, 130-micron nozzles

BD FACSymphony S6 5-Laser 23 Color with BSC

•    Sort 6 populations simultaneously

•    355 nm UV Laser, 405 nm Violet Laser

•    488 nm Blue Laser, 561 nm Yellow-Green Laser

•    637 nm Red Laser, Temperature controlled sorting

•    23-color sorter

BD FACSAria Fusion 4-Laser 12 color

•    Sort 4 populations simultaneously

•    405 nm Violet Laser

•    488 nm Blue Laser

•    561 nm Yellow-Green Laser

•    633 nm Red Laser

•    Temperature controlled sorting

•    12-color sorter

Sorting Request Form

Click here to download: “20230727 FACS Sorting Request Form.docx


User Guides

BD FACSymphony S6

    1st half, click here to download the user manual p1.

     2nd half, click here to download the user manual p2.

BD FACSAria Fusion, click here to download the user manual.