Flow Cytometry Core
Our Mission
The University of Kansas Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) provides access to flow cytometry and cell sorting instrumentation and expertise to researchers. Services and training are provided for flow cytometry: cell sorting and multi-parametric analysis of individual cells in solution, calculated from their fluorescent or light scattering characteristics. The FCC provides assistance in sample processing, data analysis, instrument training, software support, method and grant assistance, manuscript support, and consulting.

Our Capabilities
The Flow Cytometry Core laboratory is a BSL-2 facility occupying 980 sq. foot space. The laboratory is equipped with a a BD FACSymphony S6 Cell Sorter, a Cytek Aurora Spectral Flow Cytometer, and a BD FACSAria Fusion cell sorter. The FC core is also equipped for processing BD ELISPOT kits and reagents, for single-cell cytokine analysis.
The Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) lab is equipped with a BD FACSymphony™ S6 Cell Sorter, a BD FACSAria™ Fusion cell sorter, a Cytek™ Aurora Spectral Flow Cytometer, and other supplemental assay instrumentation. The Cytek™ Aurora full-spectrum flow cytometer provides users with both tube-based and 96-well plate based spectral cytometry, with 5 lasers to allow analysis of 30+ colors. The BD FACS instruments allow measurement and sorting of up to 6 resolved populations of cells simultaneously, based on up to 50 parameters of detection using 18 simultaneous fluorochromes. The facility is equipped to handle BSL-2 samples and perform aseptic and single cell sorting into tubes or 96-well plates. The facility manages a FlowJo™ site license for data analysis software, and provides instrument training for users who desire to become self-operators of the facility instruments. The FCC will equip CBID researchers with tools directly applicable to infectious disease research, such as identifying and characterizing infectious agents such as bacteria and parasites, quantification and sorting of cells infected with microbial pathogens, and assessing chemical probe efficacy against infectious agents. The FCC resources enable monitoring immune responses and activation status associated with infection, and measuring changes in cellular phenotypes (size, granularity, complexity, density, expression) in response to compound treatment. The FCC seeks to assist CBID collaborators in achieving their research goals.